Move Makers in Food: If You Could Be a Plant…

Innovation is at an all time high and brands continue to wow us year after year. There’s no better place to find plant-loving foodie fanatics than at Natural Products Expo West. This year, we decided to round up an elite group of forward-thinking move makers in the food space and get creative.
But every dream team needs a mascot, right? We turned to our team to ask the pivotal question “If you could be any plant on this earth, what plant would you be and why?”
This may seem like an easy question, but with nearly 375,000 species of plants on earth, the task is harder than it looks.
Our team was up to the challenge and stunned us with their answers — from the complex onion to the massive redwood trees to delicious wild strawberries.
Episode Two – you’re sure in for a surprise.
Peas are our alter-ego. They’re small but mighty! We’re turning it over to you now and asking the same question, if you could be a plant, which one would you be and why? Write us at or comment on this blog!
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